Simple minded.

Friday, February 25, 2011 § 0

As you can see, I wasn't feeling all that creative this morning.
However, I promised myself to step it up here in the last stretch of my 30x30, and you will see a whole lot more of my crazy red tights and my sky-high buns, I assure you! And I'll try not to wear my pink scarf so much. Those are my end stretch resolutions. Despite my boring ensemble, I had a nice day. Government quiz went by like a breeze and I found out I didn't have to retake my test after all. Thank the lordy! I came home to the Mamas suprising me with an offer for a dinner date, just us gals, and we went to Olive Garden and talked about boys, boys, boys (oh, how I love my mother). Now, we're spending the evening in front of the TV, stuffing our faces with ice cream. It's gonna be a good night, I can tell already.

Happy Friday,
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