Day 2- Blog Name Meaning.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 § 0

Welcome to Day 2 of 30 Days of Blogging!  Today's topic? The meaning behind the blog name.

Technically, I have two: Cooper Calamity and the one on my domain, 'shesacalamity' (She's a calamity).
Cooper Calamity stems from last year, when my sister, Corey (last year's prom date and one of my good friends) and I were listening to The Like (below) and decided to make up a fictional 1960s pop-rock band, changing all of our names into something radical and fun.  Molly became Birdie Jones, Corey was Flash Ferdinand, and I, Cooper Calamity.  I started using it for everything- usernames, code names, and, more recently, a blog title.

She's A Calamity is simply used because my old blog, domain name, was sadly deleted after my google account was spamming everyone in my address book.  Blogger wouldn't let me use it a second time et voila, was born.

Terribly stimulating, I know.  But don't turn that dial- day 3 is coming in fast and strong and that's when I'll let you see a photo of a child.

Happy Sunday,

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