Cooper's bucket list- Day 11

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 § 0

I've been adding on to my bucket list for years.  There's so many things I want to see and do; I've got to jot them down in order to remember them.  Here's a few of the things that are on my list:

1. Cliff dive in the Mediterranean

Photo by Harry Thomas

2. Publish a full-length novel 

3. Live in a house on acres and acres of land
Chris Ramirez photo


4. Take a solitary vacation
Inspiration: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

5. Visit New York during Christmastime 

6. Finish learning French- and speak it fluently

Quote from Easy A: 
Dill: After we watch "The Bucket List," remember to cross "watch 'The Bucket List'" off our bucket list. 

That's just a few things, and I know I'll think of more as time goes on.  Mainly, all I want in life is to not be in debt, to be doing something I love, and to be surrounded by people I love.  Like how I put the debt thing first? I might need to reorganize my priorities :)

Happy Tuesday, 

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