I'm still so in awe of her journey to becoming this fit, healthy individual, and she really is making the most of her new figure by putting it to every test imaginable, and participating in every race she can find!
Like I said, she's been inspiring me with this journey, and after she told me about the color run I just could not believe how fun it sounded. I've been having my own struggles with being healthy lately (I just eat so much CRAP) and I want to get back on track and make sure I've got the stamina and strength that someone my age should be able to boast! I'm not an 80-year-old man, I'm young, and I should be able to move and dance and run and climb without getting out of breath or wanting to give up!
WHICH IS WHY I've decided to sign up for the Denver Color Run! I'm so, so, SO excited. I'm going to run three miles every other day to build up my stamina and then in May (when the color run is: two days after my birthday! Ahhh!) Molly's going to come out here and we're going to run it together!
Here's an amazing little video about the run:
I'm so excited.
And oh how much fun we'll have. Love you baby sis.