Getting emotionally prepared for the Oscars.

Sunday, February 26, 2012 § 0

So I'm pretty much watching E! all day long and looking back on old moments like these:

(sad now, but that DRESS)

When they won the Oscar for Good Will Hunting and were basically fangirling on stage...LOVE.  Probably my favorite moment ever.  

An iconic picture, iconic couple, iconic DRESS. Love MUSTARD

There are so many more moments that I love but let's just leave it at 3 for now.  

I'm such an Oscar dork- I've always dreamed of being there, whether I'd be onstage winning the oscar for Best Original Screenplay or on the arm of hunky-nominated best actor, who would be just honored to have acclaimed author dressed in the gorgeous Galliano by his side. 

Get ready for my Oscar spam tomorrow. 


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