My mom is fantastic.

Friday, September 30, 2011 § 2

And she's here.  FINALLY!

I honestly did not realize just how much I've missed her until I got to the airport- I made a sign on the back of this sheet of paper that said 'Mrs. Foxy Mama' and prepared to hold it up when she came near.

I ended up standing in the wrong place, so I had to go search for her and found her at baggage claim.  I literally ran up to her and we hugged, and of course, we both started bawling.  It was the best moment ever.

Afterwards, my GPS went on the fritz and we were talking so much that we didn't notice that we had been driving an hour south of Denver....when Fort Collins is north of Denver.  Oh, lord.  We had a nice, impromptu road trip of bonding and catching up.

So, we didn't end up back in Fort Collins until around 10:00, and had a lovely dinner at iHop.  We then returned to the hotel and, exhausted from my stupidity, fell right asleep.

I'm so excited to spend the weekend with her.  Anyone who knows me knows I'm incredibly close with my parents, so this weekend it's going to be good to have her around after over a month away!!!

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§ 2 Response to “My mom is fantastic.”

  • Anonymous says:

    ummmm why can't i add you to my google reader? i know it has nothing to do w your mom being fantastic, but seriously. why. that is all.

  • TSB says:

    oh goodness I don't know...I've been having so much trouble with my layout lately, and this one doesn't have the follow button i guess? It's changed so much, sometimes unwillingly hahaha....

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