Visit to College.

Thursday, June 23, 2011 § 0

Well, orientation's over.  I have pics, I promise, but they take forever to upload and I have a million and one things on my plate tomorrow.  So yeah.

I don't know what it is, but ever since I got back from CSU I've been so nervous about August.  Well, actually, that's a lie. I know exactly what it is.  I'm nervous about leaving home.  I know that CSU is a place that I love and I know I'll be happy there, but I'm just nervous about leaving home.  Why does it have to be so dang far away? (oh yeah, because I picked it all the way over in Fort Collins)  I'm going to be so homesick.

I just want to fast-forward and plop down in November, when I've gotten used to classes and made some friends and gotten involved and all that.  I hate easing into things.  I hate the beginning of school years.

Well, I've got another two months to worry about this.  Please tell me my fears are rational?

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