Graduation- FINALLY!

Monday, June 13, 2011 § 0

I say finally in reference to the fact that I finally graduated and to the fact that I'm finally uploading pictures.   I've been in Mexico with my best friend for the past week, so I haven't had time to update!! I'm glad to be back, as much as I loved the free drinks (drinking age in Mexico is 18, so I felt like a classy lady with my Pina Colada non-virgin, haha) and the beautiful beach.

Anyway, I now present to you the class of 2011 (or, um, just me):

Post-grad Benihana dinner was FAB.   

WOO HOO, I'M A GRAD!!  Now I can get my butt to Colorado to get my degree! I'm going to orientation there soon, and I can't wait to take a bajillion and one pictures of my future home :)

Until manana, 

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