SO I found this website. I'm ready to decorate my dorm now, please!

Monday, June 27, 2011 § 0

It's called  You can go and look through pictures of houses and the decor inside, garnering inspiration for your own decorating projects.  And THEN you can create an Ideabook of pictures that you like and want to group together for an upcoming renovation/decorating change/etc.  Here's a few of my favorite pictures: 

Vintage Renewal Loft eclectic kitchen

Loft shots eclectic living room

Office with lacquered black walls eclectic home office

Montlake traditional home office

This last photo is going to be the one I base my dorm off of. I love the idea of mixing pure whites with wood and other dark, boho textures. I can't wait!

I'm getting way too excited about this. But it's fun. So I refuse to chill out.

Happy Monday,

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