Camera troubles.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 § 0

Not exactly troubles, per se, just extreme indecisiveness.  I'm one of those people that wants something- for example, the Canon SX130 IS I mentioned here- and after mulling over the purchase for a few precious minutes, must have it immediately.  But I must admit, I've done much better this time around.  While the immediacy of the Canon did strike me for about a week, I told myself to actually browse other options and realized that I've been in love with the Olympus Pen for a long time and I forgot about it.

When I first saw the E-PL1 in a commercial last year, I thought, 'Great, another amazing looking camera that's out of my price range.'  But thanks to graduation and my birthday, I have the chance to buy it.  However, there's always the bad reviews and ratings, which the Olympus has very few of, but if there's one website whose reviews I trust completely, it's Consumer Reports.  

Consumer Reports gave it 'very goods' and 'goods' (and one 'poor', since it has no viewfinder), which threw me off.  Where's the 'excellent'???  My dad, however, offered me some other options and today we're going to Best Buy to try 'em all out.  Yay! 

If you have any tips for a first-time camera buyer, leave a comment below.  I'm going to be smart about it this time, I promise- no rushing into things.  

Until next time, 

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