My best friend.

Friday, November 30, 2012 § 0

So tomorrow will be a day filled with snow tubing and fun galore, and that's because it's my older sister's 22nd birthday!!

That's her!!!

She's accomplished so much in the past few years and I will never stop looking to her as an inspiration. Here, look at this photo from her tumblr page and you'll see what I mean:

My sister has lost over 60 pounds using nothing but sheer will power.  She is the strongest person I know- you guys don't know hard until you start trying to lose weight- but she's strong in other ways too. 

She's smart, and her determination led her to get an amazing job right out of college at an awesome insurance firm. 
She's not afraid to take risks with fashion and show the world who she is. 
She's far more spontaneous than I am- she just wants to make the world around her as fun and interesting as possible instead of accepting it for how boring and mundane it is.  

Basically, she's my best friend, my biggest inspiration, by big sister.  I LOVE YOU AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!


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