All packed up!

Thursday, August 2, 2012 § 0

And ready to move into my apartment tomorrow!  I am so excited, and I've been jangling my new keys in everyone's face lately:
It's a small place but I can't wait to spruce it up and make it just for me.  

And speaking of sprucing it Goodwill obsession has only become more and more intense.  I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS CHEAP-ASS SECONDHAND STUFF!  I even got this gorgeous fabric that I'm going to use as a table runner on top of my white crochet tablecloth: 
Crazy gorgeous floral!!! Lately, I've been all about the flowers. 

Another amazing thing about this week was that my best friend stopped by to pay me a visit.  It was so amazing having her here and I miss her already...whether we're spending two hours on the highway or 15 minutes on a go-cart speedway, we're always having fun with each other. 

Love that girl!!!

Well, it's disappointing that summer's almost over but I've got a feeling that this year is going to be my best yet.  



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