Apologies, blogosphere.

Monday, November 28, 2011 § 0

I've been home all week and, surprisingly, hardly touched my computer.  Then we went to the farm, where there was no internet service.....

I'm actually not even sorry because if you were away from a family like mine for three months, all you would want to do is be around them!!  It was such a good week and it was hard to see it come to a close, but if there's one thing I like about living in Colorado, it's the fact that I appreciate my family's company a whole lot more.  

There were a whole lot of changes when I got home...one of them is that my sister has lost a TON of weight and looks like a rock star:

The other one is two new gorgeous puppies that are so adorable.  


(She's guarding our steaks. Such a good puppy.)

So, lots of changes, but good changes!  My next trip back home is in three weeks, and I'll be driving 14 hours with a friend of mine...it'll be my first road trip without my family.  So strange, a little bit excited, please pray that nothing goes wrong (although it might be inevitable, haha)


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