a crafty evening.

Monday, July 18, 2011 § 1

Today a good friend of mine sent me a link to a crafting website, which made me go crazy with ideas.  (By the way, this is the website)

Not only did it lead me to the tutorial on the post under this one, but it also led me to a tutorial on how to make friendship bracelets.  I've already gotten my thread and am halfway into the construction of one bracelet- there's no turning back now.  My hands are cramping, my back is sore, but I'M ADDICTED AND I CAN'T STOP. If you'd like to enter into a similar hell (kidding, it's fun), then read on.

(some examples of what you'll be making)

First, get your thread.  At Michael's, they have tons of colors for the low, low price of 35 cents.  It's a steal!  I went crazy, but the tutorial only calls for about 5-6 different colors, so I chose a beachy theme of blues, ivory, and a yellowish tone to get me excited for our Galveston adventure this weekend.

You'll also need the following: 
A piece of tape to tape down the end of your bracelet as you thread your pattern

A fan for when your hands get weirdly sweaty

Music to distract you from how sore your hands are getting

Patience.  Something I have little of.  

But pretty soon your bracelet will start to come together and it'll be totally worth it!

Here's the steps you'll need to make the actual bracelet: 

Happy braiding, Godspeed, and good luck!


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