It's been a while.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 § 0

But here's what I've been up to:

#1- Trying to get a job, though the only plausible field I can think of that will hire me for a month and a half of work (until I head back to Fort Collins for school) is babysitting.  So I've been trying to babysit.

#2- Preparing for apartment life!  Me and the Mom went to Kohl's yesterday and got EVERYTHING for my bathroom...light blue and ivory is the color theme.  I think I want to escape to Cape Cod every time know.

Speaking of apartment guys know how much I love decorating.  I've got my very own space to play around with this time around, which means I'm taking this VERY seriously.  How seriously?  I'm making an inspo board with pictures and furniture and color swatches that I want to influence my space.   Here are some pictures that are going to inspire it, and you see if you can guess the theme:

Yeah, I realize that was kind of vague.  But the theme is vintage Paris!  Original, I know (har-de-har) but it's going ot be great. 

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to decorating. 

Au revoir!

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