Best. Goodwill Trip. EVER.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012 § 0

Today my mom really wanted to get out of the house, and I know she's been wanting to go antique-ing, so we headed out to Centennial to a really swanky store called Old Glory.  It was amazing- and EXPENSIVE.  I wanted everything but alas, I am poor.

So, what to do next?  Well, head over to Goodwill, of course!  We immediately grabbed, like, five things as soon as we walked in the door, and everything was so cheap.  My mom found this for me:
(My apologies for the grainy-ness)

It was $25.  That's insane, because I've been looking at this exact shelf at IKEA so I can do this to my apartment: 

And the small shelves ranged up to $100.  And I got mine for a quarter of the price!

Even after that stop, we still weren't satisfied.  My mom drove us to another Goodwill, where we found the creme de la creme (in my opinion): 

It's an old, retro pink school desk that opens on the top.  SO cute.  There was a woman who was eyeing it but my hands were all over the 'rip off if you want to purchase' tag before my mom even said 'yes' yet.  I'M SO EXCITED.  

And, yes....
We realize we have a Goodwill problem.  

What's this?

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